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Galadriel (retired)

 Radagast (retired)


 Lúthien (retired)


Elbereth (retired)

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If you are interested in a Burmese/Thai imported kitten in the future, PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE! I know it's lengthy - but it will save us both some valuable time as many of your FAQ and my policies are outlined here! 


What makes the Burmese/Thai imported breeds so special? Are they right for you?

As you may know, the Burmese/Thai imported cats are known for being very affectionate and loyal (sometimes a bit pushy in demanding their deserved attention from you!). The Burmese breed are sometimes thought of as a dog-like cat, as they will follow you around, play fetch with their toys, respond to their name/some commands, and want to be with their humans wherever they are (whether it's at home, in the car, taking a stroll in a cat carrier backpack, or even on a boat!) They, along with all cats from a Thai ancestry, are very intelligent, curious, and easy-going with family and strangers alike. Even at a very young age, they are naturally drawn to be around their human family members and want to be held, cuddled, and be a part of your family - both day and night. They are friendly with strangers, and leave an impression on everyone who meets them, even if they weren't "cat people" before.


The Burmese/Thai imported sound fantastic, right?! And they are, but, are you a good fit for themIf you are thinking about adopting one of these precious kittens, please read the following! Burmese do not react well to being shut away from their human family members - they want to be with you, wherever you are. They want attention and a "human connection". They are extremely intelligent, clever, and need appropriate venues for their creative energy. If you are gone for long periods of time during the day, or unable to give your Burmese kitten/cat lots of attention, I highly advise that you adopt a pair of kittens. Burmese/Thai imported cats need an outlet and thrive with lots of activity in a home. They are happiest with other cats, but also get along with dog(s), eventually(!). If you have an existing cat, then you don't have to consider adopting a pair of kittens, but if your home is rather "quiet" as far as activity and mental and physical stimulation, I'd recommend getting a pair. Another option would be to ensure that they have plenty of interactive toys for mind and body. Galadriel and Elbereth do not go a single day without running on their wheel (yes, and I do mean "run"!). 

I have seen a kitten wake from a nap, realize that there was a human (me!) in the room, and literally race over to me, jump up to curl up on my lap, and go back to sleep! Another thing that is different for Burmese kittens than other breeds (or a run of the mill pet store kitten) is that these do not need as much time to adjust to their new environment (a.k.a. your home!). While every house/family/kitten is unique, as a rule my kittens do not need weeks, but rather days, to feel comfortable with the new people and areas of your home. While it's advisable to start them off in a room that you want them to "claim" as theirs or feel a connection to (I highly recommend this be your bedroom), do not feel that you must keep them locked in a small area for a week like a pet store cat might need. As long as they have some time in one room on their first day, where they know their food, water, and litter are, feel free to let them have supervised exploration of their new (entire) home soon after! My kittens will not get scared and hide for days, and any feelings of being overwhelmed are quickly overcome. They are exposed to a lot of human and "household" noises, and I have never heard of my previous kittens turning into a "scaredy cat"! Introducing other pets (especially other-than-cats) will take a longer adjustment time and that still needs to be "controlled" and closely monitored by you as the new kitten parent, at least for the first few weeks. The monitoring will be more for the other animal than the kitten, however. Your new kitten will be eager to meet all new humans and animals of his/her new home, but that feeling isn't always mutual with existing/older pets!  


I brought my Burmese kitten home - now what? 

Please go to this page for more info on what to expect and do after bringing home a kitten from me - including information on vaccinations



Why Burmese? Preserving the breed

The Burmese breed, along with Siamese, Tonkinese, Korat, Bombay, and others, all share the same ancestry from Thai cats (see TIMBA website for their fascinating history). I agree with the goals that TIMBA has - to preserve these wonderful creatures. While I did not formally register with TIMBA as a breeder, I agreed with their policies and information. In order to preserve the breed(s), it is necessary to out-cross from time to time and diversify with "new blood". Bringing in different Thai related cats to add diversity and boost health has a downside in some people's minds: it causes the cats to no longer be "worthy" of the rigid requirements that cat shows look for. As a result of occasional out-crossing, sometimes my kittens will look more like one "type" of imported Thai cat than another - just like every so often a red-head pops up in a human's family line. For the most part, my kittens tend to look like the "regular" Burmese one would expect, but every so often differences in appearance will emerge. Cat shows care primarily about the external - I care about the internal (health and personality). My kittens would NOT win you flashy ribbons at cat shows for you to display on your mantlepiece - but they DID win your HEART and win acclaim with your friends and family. :) They were gorgeous, despite not conforming to the narrow-minded norms set forth by those who run these "shows". (I was a bit biased, I suppose, but check out my gallery and make up your own mind whether they were fabulous looking or not!) Finally, in order to enhance their natural personality, I hand-raised and socialized my kittens from day 1 (including exposure to the vacuum, blender, etc) so that when they were ready to go home with you, they would adjust seamlessly into your family! (For families with dogs/other pets: it may have taken longer for them to adjust to other pets than to their new humans, but I have seen it happen!)


Health of my kittens

To keep their natural health levels high, I bred from un-related and healthy lines (many breeders, in an attempt to follow the “show standards” discussed above, tend to in-breed in order to attain "the right look." Inbreeding as a practice is not healthy, and while not immediately evident, adds to serious health issues later). While I did everything humanly possible to ensure that my kittens were in perfect health, there would always be a chance for unforeseen health issues out of human control; I kept their living spaces clean and monitored any changes in health I see. I took my cats to the vet for regular check-ups and administer over the counter health supplements regularly (such as de-wormers and probiotics). Unfortunately, issues can arise from necessary vaccines that carry risks. (We humans also take risks when getting vaccinated or using certain medications recommended by licensed doctors - it's the same concept for animals.). 


Upon picking up your new kitten from my cattery, you were highly encouraged to take him/her to the vet of your choice within seven days of adoption, and if the vet believed there was something genetically wrong with the kitten, you had the option to exchange the kitten for another or get a refund of your money, minus the non-refundable deposit you paid, after returning the kitten. (*Note that this never happened during the lifetime of my cattery, but it was my policy. I would have needed to see documentation from a person's vet for this, but it never came up, fortunately.)  I would not give you a refund if you suddenly realize that you no longer want an animal in your life - but I would have asked that you return the kitten to me and not give him/her to a shelter where they may be forced to euthanize or worse, abandon your kitten outside, as that was also a likely death sentence.


Please make sure that this lifetime investment is right for you before buying a kitten! 


Note on sick kittens: my own kittens only ever left my house if they were healthy. If a kitten were to get sick prior to their scheduled pick up date, I would have postponed pick up dates until the issue was resolved.  Note that not all "illness" is equal; they had first vaccinations during the weeks prior to pick-up, which sometimes caused reactions.  If, for some reason, your new kitten became ill after you took it home that first week, and the vet cannot definitively point to any genetic issue/pre-condition, then the cause was most likely environmental (something toxic they ate/drank, being exposed to other sick animals, etc.). Once the kitten left my controlled environment, I no longer took responsibility for these issues, and the cost and care for the kitten then fell on you as the responsible pet owner. Please know also that these cats (due to their healthy lines) were free from chronic disease but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't fall prey to "normal" viruses and illnesses during their first year especially - while their immune system is still being built up. I cannot even think of the last time any of my adult cats had a "cold", but kittens are simply more susceptible and this must be factored into your understanding of how the first year can go



Burmese/Thai imported cats sound great! Where do I sign up?

 At the moment I am taking a pause - please check back next year and/or subscribe to my Blog to be a part of my mailing list for updates! 



I have other questions:


Please visit the FAQ page here:

  • May I visit the cattery?

  • I want a hypoallergenic cat, so Burmese/Thai related cats are perfect, right?!

  • Can I call you/you call me? 

  • Will the kitten come with papers?


I have questions not addressed on your site: 

Please send me a message through the Contact form found here.


If you have suggestions for other FAQ I should address/add, please let me know. :) 






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