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Cattery of Arda
May 4, 20212 min read
12. The explorers (and other updates)
Elbereth's litter is starting to explore their environment - and it's so cute! They've been doing the "army crawl" for a couple of days...
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Cattery of Arda
Mar 30, 20211 min read
7. Lúthien had kittens!
Lúthien had kittens on Sunday!!! They’re too young for me to determine final colors, and I haven’t handled them yet, so I don’t know...
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Cattery of Arda
Mar 26, 20211 min read
6. Lúthien’s about to pop!
It’s hard to believe how big Lúthien is! She’s been waddling around for the past weeks and I expect her to give birth to another little...
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Cattery of Arda
Mar 2, 20211 min read
4. The stork is en route!
Lúthien is pregnant and finally starting to show!!! She’s got about 4 weeks left, I estimate. The only real question now is how many...
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Cattery of Arda
Feb 19, 20211 min read
3. Waiting for water to boil
It’s like staring at a pot of water on the stove waiting for it to boil - you know eventually it will start to bubble to the surface, but...
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Cattery of Arda
Feb 10, 20211 min read
2. All’s Quiet on the Cattery Front...
We’re all patiently waiting...
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Cattery of Arda
Jan 8, 20211 min read
1. Welcome!
Hello everyone, I'm going to try my hand at Blogging for this site! Please feel free to subscribe for updates! Luthien's latest litter...
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